City of Buckeye
Home MenuSpeed Cushions
If a homeowner suspects that there is speeding on their street, they should call the Public Works Department at 623-349-6825. We will initiate the placement of counters on the street segment for seven days. The counts will be forwarded to the city traffic engineer, who will perform a detailed traffic study to determine the average daily volume of traffic, the average speed of all traffic and the 85th percentile speed of all traffic. The city traffic engineer will also consider a history of calls of complaints concerning speeding on this section of roadway. This data will be used to determine whether speeding is truly an issue. If the study doesn’t meet the criteria, then the city will not expend funds to install speed cushions; however, if the homeowner still feels that speed is an issue, the homeowner can work with his/her neighbors to come up with the funds to have them installed.
The minimum requirements for a city funded installation is 450 vehicles per day, the average speed of all traffic is greater than the speed limit and the 85th percentile speed is at least six miles per hour greater than the speed limit. There are other physical characteristics that also need to be met, but those would be determined prior to a study. If speeding is prevalent on these roads where the physical constraints are not conducive to speed cushions, then our Engineering Department would do an evaluation for other forms of traffic calming not covered under this policy.
Whether the city will install the speed cushions or the homeowners pay for the speed cushions privately, the homeowners of the street will all have to agree that speed cushions should be installed. This is done through a petition process in that seventy percent of the homeowners along the affected street will have to agree that speed cushions should be installed. In addition, all the homeowners directly adjacent to the speed cushions would also have to agree to their placement. Once the petition process is completed, the traffic engineer will design the placement on the street and the Public Works Department will schedule their placement based on available funds.
Any questions regarding speed cushions, please contact Nicole Roberts at 623-349-6825 or email her at